寒雪梅中尽,春风柳上归。 新冠肺炎疫情自爆发以来,严重冲击了各行各业的正常运行。持续向好的疫情防控形势,终于让大家满怀期待和希望。经过慎重考虑,2020艺术深圳将于2020年9月10日至13日在深圳会展中心如期举办。即日起,将开放参展申请,申请时间截至2020年6月20日。
● 画廊单元:申请参展者必须为拥有展览实体空间并每年定期举办三档以上展览的商业性质画廊,任何只从事艺术品经销的个人或机构皆不符合申请条件,将不予以受理。
● 如有任何申请相关问题,请邮件咨询vip@artshenzhen.com。
Exhibition Date: September 10-13, 2020
Application Time: March 20 - June 20, 2020
Exhibition Address: No. 6 Pavilion, Shenzhen Convention and Exhibition Center
Cold winter ends and comes Spring with hope. The outbreak of Coronavirus epidemic heavily affected normal operation of all industries. Now with tremendous effort and huge sacrifice of the Chinese government and the great Chinese people, the epidemic is now under the control. The increasingly better epidemic prevention and control situation allows us to see hope and wishes of resuming of all industries. After careful consideration, 2020 Art Shenzhen will be held in Shenzhen Convention and Exhibition Center from September 10 to September 13, 2020 as scheduled. From this day, applications will open until June 20, 2020.
In order to ensure better results and minimize the impact of the epidemic on the exhibitors, the 2020 Art Shenzhen Organizing Committee decided to give a 10% discount to all participating galleries and institutions that satisfy the conditions and requirements of the exhibition, provided that they pay the booth fee within the specified time.
To help each other to come over the difficult time. After that, we will certainly be better and better and let’s work together to brace brighter future!
2020 Art Shenzhen is now accepting booth applications for gallery units and other project units (Aggressive Art Market, Design Derivatives, and In-Fashion).
Please visit Art Shenzhen official website(www.artshenzhen.com), download the application form and related instructions, and send the relevant application information to the email: committee@artshenzhen.com。
● Gallery unit: Exhibitors are required to own their commercial galleries with physical space for the exhibition and to hold regular exhibitions of more than three times each year. Any person or institution engaged only in the distribution of works of art who does not meet the requirements will not be accepted.
● If you have any application questions, please contact us by email vip@artshenzhen.com.
Adhere to the concept of Global Vision, Quality Future, 2020 Art Shenzhen will continue to help steady upgrading of the regional art market, and build an open, professional, innovative, shared and cooperative contemporary art market platform. We look forward to your participation!